- 4.1. Customer List
4.1.1. Create New Customer - 4.1. Customer List
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4.1.1. Create New Customer
To create a new customer, you can select Create a new customer from the menu option or you can click on the icon to create a new customer from the Customer List.
Menu option:
Icon option:
Both options will display the Create A New Customer window.
When creating a new customer entry, you will only see 4 tabs (General Info, Payment Info, Contact Info and Location Info). There are 2 more tabs (Discounting and Customer Stats) that will appear after the customer entry has been saved to the database.
General Info tab
The General Info tab stores the billing address information for your customers. Required fields are noted by the asterisk following the field name. After changing any customer information always click on the 'Update Customer' button to save your changes. The example above is an example of creating a new customer.
The save button is named 'Add Customer' when creating a customer record. It will appear as 'Update Customer' on an existing record.
The only required fields are the Customer Name, City, State and Country, as noted by the asterisks, to create a customer entry.
Field Name | Field Description |
Customer Name: * | Enter the customer name |
[Add Second Name] | You may enter a second name for your customer. When searching on the second name, the search results field will display the primary customer name under which the second name was found. |
Street: | Enter the customers primary billing address |
City: * | Enter the customers City name |
State: * | Select the customers State name |
Zip: | Enter the customers ZIP or Postal code |
Country: * | Select the customers country name |
Phone: | Enter the customers phone number |
Fax: | Enter the customers fax number |
Customer No: | You may assign a customer number. If an existing customer number is entered here a warning will alert you that the number entered is in use. |
Customer Notes: | You may enter any text you want concerning this customer. The information entered in the Customer Notes field will not appear on any customer facing documents. |
Although the Customer Name is the only required field to create a customer database entry, as much information as is available should be entered in the General Info tab.
If you have all the customer information that you are going to enter be sure to click on the 'Add Customer' button to save your changes.
Payment Info Tab
The Payment Info tab contains information regarding the payment information for this customer.
There are no required fields on the Payment Info tab.
Field Name | Field Description |
DUNS Number: | Enter the customers Dun & Bradstreet number |
Customer Account Number: | You may assign an account number to your customer |
Required Deposit Percentage: | Enter the amount of deposit that you require from this customer to process with cutting purchase orders. There is a System Configuration field that allows you to set the default customer deposit required. If this field is populated, that value will be presented in this field when you are creating new customers. |
GSA Account: | This flag allows to you define this customer as a GSA customer. If this flag is set, then US tax rules will not be invoked and only discounts that are defined as GSA discounts will be allowed to be used for this customers proposals |
Customer PO Required: | If this flag is set, then the Customer PO field in the Project info tab on Proposals is expected to be filled in. If it is not, the user will get a warning during proposal finalization that the customer po is required. |
Customer Payment Terms: | The number of days that this customers invoices are due. This will affect the Due Date field that is printed on customer invoices. |
Customer Credit Limit: | Enter the maximum amount that you are extending to this customer. Existing purchase orders and outstanding invoices are used to validate the customer remaining credit. If this limit is reached then users will get a warning when trying to create purchase orders that exceed the available credit. |
Late Invoice Reminder: | If this field is checked, a late invoice reminder will be sent to your customer if the original invoice was emailed or faxed from DealerChoice. |
Apply Finance Charges: | If this field is checked, finance charges will be applied to outstanding invoices. |
Tax Exemption Number: | Enter your customers tax exempt id number. Sales tax will not be applied if a tax exemption id number is on file. |
The example above shows a new customer entry being created. The save button is titled "Add Customer" until the record has been saved. The save button will be titled "Update Customer" on existing records. You can save your new entry by clicking on the "Add Customer" button from the General or Payment tab.
Contact Info Tab
The Contacts tab contains all your contact information for this customer. There are no required fields on the Contact Info tab and you can add as many customer contacts as you need. You can only enter a single contact name if you are creating a new customer. Once you save your customer record, you can add additional contacts. Customer contacts can be used as the contact name in proposals.
Field Name | Field Description |
Contact Name: | Enter the name of the contact person |
Title: | Enter the contact's title |
Phone: | Enter the contact's phone number |
Phone 2: | Enter a second phone number for the contact |
Mobile: | Enter the contact's mobile phone number |
Fax: | Enter the contact's fax number |
Email: | Enter the contact's email address |
When you are finished entering the contact information, You will have to go back to the General Info or the Payment Info tab to click on the Add Customer button (When adding a new customer).
If this is an existing customer, The Contact Info tab will have an Update Contact and a Delete Contact button as shown below.
Location Info Tab
The Location Info tab is for storing multiple or alternate addresses for this customer. You can only enter a single location if you are creating a new customer. Once you save your customer record, you can add additional locations. If your customer has more than one location (building or site) you can add these addresses here without creating a separate entry in your Customer database.
Address information stored as a Customer Location can be used in the following fields when creating or updating a Proposal: Customer (this is used as the billing address), Propose To, Install Location, and Ship To Location.
Field | Field Description |
Location Name: * | Enter a name for this location (South Building, Deliveries) |
[Add Additional Name] | You can add a second name to this location and it can be searched on in the Customer Search window |
Account No: * | If you assign account numbers to your customers, enter that number here for this location |
Street: * | Enter the street address for this location |
City: * | Enter the City name for this location |
State: * | Select the State name for this location from the drop down selection box |
Zip: * | Enter the ZIP or Postal code |
Country: * | Select the Country for this location from the drop down selection box |
You can add as many Locations as you need to for each customer. For existing customers, click on the Add Location button in the bottom right of the Location Info window. If this is a new customer that you are entering into the database, you have to click on the General Info or Payment info tab and click on the Add Customer button to save your changes.
Discounting Tab
The Discounting tab will only appear for existing customers. You will not see this tab when you are creating a new customer entry. If discounts have been entered for this customer, they will be listed in the Discounting tab. To edit an existing discount, simply click on the discount in the list.
You can enter your customer specific discounts (price agreements) from the Discounting tab in the customer database or from the Discounting tab in the Vendor database. You can only create discounts for the customer you are editing via the Discounting tab in the Customer database. You can create a discount for any customer when you are working in the Vendor Discounting tab.
Creating discounts is a two step process. First you create the discount record by entering general discount information which will be displayed in the discount list. Once the record has been created, you can enter the specific details for this discount.
To create a customer discount record, click on the Discounting tab and click on the [Add New Discount] link.
Field | Field Description |
Vendor: | Enter the vendor that the discount is for |
Plus sign icon on Vendor | This is a link to create a new Vendor, only users with permission will see this icon |
Discount Id: | Enter the discount id number, (SQ #, Price Agreement Number) |
Discount Description: | Enter a description for this discount so it can be identified for selection in proposals |
GSA check box | If this is GSA specific discount, check this box. If the GSA Account flag is set on the Payments tab in the Customer database, then only GSA flagged discounts will be available for selection in proposals to this customer |
Effective Date: | Enter the date that this discount becomes active. Only active discounts can be selected in proposals |
Expiration Date: | Enter the date that this discount becomes inactive. Inactive discounts cannot be used in proposals |
Add Discount | Click the plus sign button to create the discount header. |
After entering the discount record information, click on the Add Discount plus sign icon to save your changes. This will create the discount record in the database. The discount information will will appear in the discount list as shown below.
The second step is to assign the actual discounts on product lines. Once the discount record information (see above) has been entered and the Add Discount button has been clicked to save the discount information, your discount record will be saved and it will be displayed in the Discount list. Click on the discount record that you just created to enter the discount details and the following window will appear to allow you to select the product to be discounted.
Link | Link Description |
[Create New Product Discount] | Click on this link to start assigning discounts to product |
Create a new product discount now | Click on this link to start assigning discounts to product |
Both of these links open the exact same input window as shown below
Field | Field Description |
Discount applied to an entire product line | This type of discount will be applied to all items within the selected catalog(s). |
Discount applied only on specific items | This type of discount will be applied on specific item numbers within a catalog. This discount can be different than the discount for the entire catalog. |
Discount applied on items regardless of product line | This type of discount requires that the Discount Code to be entered. The Discount Code is in the specification tool export file. |
Apply a product discount on: | Select the catalog, item number or discount code to enter a discount for. |
Discounting method: | Non-Tiered or Multi-Level (discount by purchase volume). |
Buy Discount: | The purchase discount - the dealers buy discount. |
GP Margin: | You can enter the desired GP% to be applied on the cost of the product to generate the sell price. |
OR % Discount Off list | Or, you can enter the percentage off list price to generate the sell price. |
Custom freight terms: | If specific freight terms exist for this product, enter the terms here. |
Are the freight terms quoted? | If the freight terms cannot be entered above, check the Quoted check box. This will flag a message to be displayed during proposal finalization that warns the user that the freight terms must be quoted from the vendor. |
Add Product Discount | Click on the Plus sign icon to save your discount. |
There are three options to select the type of discount you are entering.
1) A discount to be applied to an entire product line.
2) A discount to be applied only to specific items within a product line (by item number)
3) A discount to be applied to items regardless of product line (discount codes)
1) A discount to be applied to an entire product line.
This option allows you to enter a discount that will be used to discount all the items within a specific catalog code Select the Product Line(s) from the 'Apply a discount on' selection box first. If multiple product lines have the same discount, you can select all of those product lines by holding down the CTRL(Control)key and clicking on multiple product lines.
Select the discounting method:
Non-Tiered Enter your purchase discount percentages here.
Multi-Level If this discount is based on purchase volume, select the Tiered Discount by List Price option. The tier window will open as shown below:
In the Tier 1: input frame, enter your lowest purchase discount level. If your first discount level is $100,000.00 enter that amount in the To: field. Enter your purchase discount in the Buy Discount input field. If the customers discount is a percentage off of list price, you can enter that percentage in the '% Off List:' input field. If your next discount level is $200,000.00, enter that in the Tier 2 To: input field with the discount that is in effect and so on until you have reached your highest discount level. Currently, only 6 levels of discounting are available.
Below shows an example of a 3 level discount.
2) A discount to be applied only to specific items within a product line (by item number)
This option allows you to apply discounts on specific item numbers. These are the base part numbers from the specification tool. When you select this option, you must select the product line that the items to be discounted exist in first.
In the 'Where the item numbers to be discounted are:' input box, enter individual part numbers, with each part number on a line. After entering a part number, press the enter key to go to the next line. After you have entered all the part numbers that have the same discount, select the discount method (non-tired or tiered) and enter your discounting. Of course, if there are specific freight rules that can be entered for these items, enter that information in the custom freight terms section.
3) A discount to be applied to items regardless of product line (discount codes)
This option allows you to apply discounts by Discount Codes. Discount codes are defined by the vendor and can be different between items in a single catalog. The discount code is part of the specification file that is imported into DealerChoice. Upon import, DealerChoice looks for the discount code for each line item in the specification file. If a discount code is defined in DealerChoice that matches the discount code of the line item being imported, the discount is applied to that item in your proposal.
When this option is selected, you will see a 'Discount Code: *' input box. This is a required field.
The 'Discount Description:' field is optional and is used to describe the discount code.
Examples of Discount Codes and Discount Descriptions:
Discount Code | Discount Description |
PV | Avian Seating |
BC | Beirise Collection |
For each product line, item number group or discount code discount that you enter, be sure to click on the Add Product Discount plus sign icon on the lower right of the window to save your changes.
After you click on the Add Product Discount plus sign icon, your window will update and you will see product with their associated discounts in the Product Discount Table.
If you have completed entering your discount, you can close the Edit Customer window.
To add to or edit an existing discount, click on the discount name in the Discount tab window. Expired discounts will be displayed with the expiration date highlighted in red, as shown below.
Then click on the 'view product discount table' link.
Then click on the Product name that you wish to edit to open the details of the discounting.
Customer Stats Tab
The Customer Stats tab will only appear for existing customers. You will not see this tab when you are creating a new customer entry.
The Customer Stats tab gives you a current standing of your customers.
Open Invoices
This frame displays the open invoices for this customer. The invoices in the list can be clicked on to open and view the invoice details.
Accounts Receivables
This frame displays aging statistics and deposits received from this customer.
Total Invoiced Sales
This frame displays statistics on the customer payment history.
- 4.1.1. Create New Customer
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4.1.2. Customer Search